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Differences between Internal and External Doors


What makes an internal door different from an external door? It is not just the aesthetics or the placement of these doors. In fact, there are several differences between internal and external doors. Check out some of the differences between internal and external doors below:


Differences in Thickness

Due to their role, external doors are substantially thicker than inside doors. While interior doors go through considerably less wear and tear, external doors need a thicker core, generally made of wood, to keep the cold and heat out. A thick layer of veneer is generally often applied to exterior doors for insulation and weather protection. Exterior doors provide a defensive barrier to a building while internal doors are made for regular, convenient use.


Construction of the Core

External doors have a substantial core construction to adequately serve as a barrier between the inside and the outside. For the best temperature control and security, external doors typically have wood or wood grain cores surrounded by steel or metal layers.

Internal doors have a hollow core and are designed to be lighter and thinner than external doors. Internal doors with a wood fibre core or a honeycomb-like interior, on the other hand, are more expensive and help muffle the sound.


Differences in Insulation

External doors are built with ideal insulation qualities, along with providing a secure barrier between a building's interior and the outdoors.

Insulation is usually present in their multilayered construction. Foam cores are commonly included in steel doors to help regulate temperature.

Insulation can be added to internal doors, but it is not usual. Solid core interior doors, on the other hand, can provide moderate draught protection.


Dimensional Requirements

External doors are almost always larger and heavier than internal doors since they serve as the principal entrance and exit points of a building. External doors are thicker than internal doors and are built for weather protection rather than usability. Due to their hefty structure, many external doors now contain ADA-compliant features, such as automatic opening buttons.

Internal doors, on the other hand, do not need to be as thick or heavy as their outside counterparts, and are typically built in a standard manner. If you are wondering if an internal door can be used on an external doorway or vice versa, the answer is nearly always negative. Each door is made for a certain purpose. Furthermore, using an internal door on the exterior of your building will result in rapid wear and tear.


Final Thoughts

Take a look at our website to browse our high-quality, customised interior and exterior doors. Whether you are a contractor, a project manager, or a homeowner, we have the best doors for your next construction project. Choose from various long-lasting, attractive materials to match your design and construction requirements — we are always happy to assist.

For more details, please contact us.